Thursday, June 12, 2008

Stretch Before you Commence your Fitness Training

Stretching exercises are recognized as a necessary part of any fitness training and physical activity; many muscle and joint injuries have been prevented this way. There are some other points to remember as well that can ensure a safe and enjoyable workout. To increase your flexibility and to avoid injuries, stretch before and after workout. It has been shown that by maintaining this regime after physical activity has finished that fewer injuries occur and muscle flexibility increases.

For instance, stretching movements for a warm up only have to last a third of the time that the same movements do when you are doing a cool-down, so they need to last for about a minute. The best method to achieve this is to stretch slowly and return to your original position slowly as this will prevent any jerking movements which could cause injury. Ideally the stretch should last a few seconds then a slow return because it is easy to damage joints or even pull muscles when this is not done correctly. Work slowly in increments instead of immediately proceeding to doing the hardest exercise or position so make sure that you have stretched or warmed up all muscle groups.

Injuries to the neck can be common because most people neglect warming it up; the easiest way to carry this out is by using the palm of your hand, alternate placing pressure from on the forehead to the back of the head and then the sides. If you carry out regular stretching prior to fitness training you will be surprised just how flexible your body becomes and it will increase your ability to perform certain training. Workout only to your capabilities and not that of others so do not force yourself to do exercises that you are not yet capable of just because there are people who can do it; increase your limits slowly and listen to your body. Do not expect your body to be able to carry out the same exercises and level of training every time you go to the gym because some days you will have a better workout than others; this is perfectly normal and to be expected.

Every athlete knows that muscles need to heal and grow from physical exertion so give yourself a day off between fitness training and exercising; your body will appreciate it. Aerobic exercises are the best for you because they will improve you cardiovascular system, improve your stamina, lung capacity and overall fitness; exercises like skipping running, rowing, swimming, stepping machines etc. It is well known that music makes exercise easier as the beat is something you can follow and these days the tiny mp3 players can be attached without too much bother. Stretching is good for you even if you are not performing it before exercise and many people use it for relaxation purposes prior to sleep. Apart from preventing injuries and increasing your limit, it is also said that stretching is good for a tired body and also for a stressed mind and spirit.

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