Thursday, October 16, 2008

Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Almost all recent mothers will think about how they are going to lose weight after the pregnancy but this shouldn't be their prime concern after giving birth. This is a situation often made worse by celebrity moms who seem to regain their figures after a mere few short weeks after having a baby. of course the time dedicated to regaining their figure is also disproportionate to the average mother.

The chances of a regular mother having the facilities for quick weight loss after pregnancy is unlikely unless they have a very healthy bank balance. A new mother will be thinking about her baby and her focus should be eating healthily to regain strength and recover from the birth. A healthy diet means one that contains some fiber which should equal around two thousand calories a day,the main constituents of her daily diet should be:

Half as carbohydrates, Protein should be almost a third of daily intake. Fat should be about one tenth of daily intake

Ok, the percentage totals don't add up to 100 percent but there's a reason for this as every diet should leave a little room for enjoyment and there is no need to go to extremes so have some of the foods you enjoy without guilt, just don't go crazy. Although a new born child takes a great deal of care and time, it is still necessary for a mother to attempt some form of regular exercise which will also improve her metabolism and stamina. The exercise doesn't have to be anything that is heavy, moderate and regular are the key aspects here as this way you will also enjoy it, although you won't start seeing the benefits immediately.

This can be an excellent way to begin your weight loss after pregnancy but remember that your individual reduction will depend on a number of things one of which is how much you gained while you were pregnant. Don't forget that changes to your body will take place after you have given birth which will affect how quickly you will lose any pounds you have gained. The order of the day is that losing weight after pregnancy will be more consistent and healthy if it is achieved slowly but surely through a healthy diet and regular physical activity.

It must be re-iterated that the loss should not be looked upon as something that must be done as quickly as possible as it should really come off about the same sort of pace it was put on. If this routine is maintained then there is no reason why the excess and unwanted weight you gained during the pregnancy should not be lost within a relatively short period of time. Getting your figure back is perfectly possible after pregnancy and most women will achieve this but some may find that those last few annoying pounds just won't go until the breast feeding has ended.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

How do Green Tea Products Work?

By now, almost everyone who uses health and dietary supplements will have heard of the amazing antioxidant properties of green tea, not to mention many others that benefit us. People requiring a natural product to burn calories will not find anything to compare with green tea weight loss supplements.

The affect on the human metabolism is quite amazing as it actually slows down the process of aging if used over a long period by aiding cell regeneration. With weight loss however, both the laxative effects and anti-oxidant abilities are used to help improve the metabolism. To help stop fatty tissue from forming, products using it increase the number of calories we burn by speeding our normal metabolic rate.

All the benefits of green tea weigh loss supplements can easily be ruined if the person taking them feels they can still abuse their body without consequence. It is important to remember that weight loss also requires a person to completely change their eating habits otherwise just consuming the product will be a waste of time.

When prepared as infusion, green tea should be used in the evening before going to bed. It is possible that during the first two or three days, you may experience some bowel discomfort, but that is very likely to pass soon. Some people are worried about this reaction but this is how green tea weight loss supplements work, by making adjustments to the body's metabolic rate. Indications that it is working can generally be seen within seven days of use providing other aspects of the diet are followed like drinking plenty of fluids combined with physical activity, fruit and vegetables.

One very successful combination of green tea products is that which includes ginseng root extract. Used in Asia for thousands of years ginseng is well known and respected there and provides essential vitamins and minerals for good health when combined with those already found in the product.

When ginseng is used in association with green tea it stimulates the immune system and fortifies the user, representing a valuable energy source, during the stressful period when you are returning to normal weight. Ginseng and green tea have an excellent safety record with people using them for up to six months without incident.